► A legal counsel team with a demonstrated experience of over 10 years.

► Results oriented, unbiased approach.

► Efficient and professional approach for creating conditions, which help dispute resolution between the related parties.

► Raising awareness in order to spread culture of reconciliation within the company.

► In mediations as a cause of action, an average of reconciliation up to 70%.

► Quick response to requests.

► Customized solutions for each clientele.

Efficient and extensive service policy of Özalp, is about generating results oriented, original, and alternative solutions that answer clients’ needs. In order to render our services excellent, each case is professionally treated by the related expert personnel thanks to our wide array of human power. We strive to add +1 value in all services.


✓ Quick Response,

✓ Urgent Action,

✓ In-Depth Research,

✓ Wide Array of Expertise,

✓ Innovative, Proactive and Creative Solutions,

✓ Results-Oriented Approach,

✓ Web-Based Notification and Reporting,

✓ Sustainable Solutions.

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